1. Recent paintings
4. Coastal
2. A bit surreal
5. Estuary
3. Oceanic
6. Whales, jellies and fish Paintings
"From the deep sea to the stars": MY NEW EXHIBITION
FULL FATHOM FIVE GALLERY has moved to the main street in Eden: 203 Imlay st, beside "Mark Anthonys" Hours during during winter are Saturday 10:00 to 1:30 or by appointment.
Just phone 0457317554 and we can arrange to view the paintings outside this time.
Laybys are welcome.
My facebook page.....
If you'd like to know when I've updated the website, just fill in the contact form.
Galleries 2-6 are previously sold works.
"Full Fathom Five" gallery was at the Eden wharf, and has now moved up to the main street.
You can also email
or phone 0457317554 if you're interested in any of the paintings. Laybys are welcome and we post/freight nation wide and internationally.
Anna is predominantly a marine artist based in Eden on the far south coast of New South Wales. Her journeys along the coast and local waterways, whale watching in a rigid inflatable, a bit of oyster farming and the changing ocean and skies all inspire her paintings.
How to find the studio/gallery